On my IG account the description is Curry is travelling , exploring the world. Love is everywhere. (Love is everywhere is meant specially to explain how love is hiding in all types of food :D)
The history of my blog’s name was already described in this post. Yes, the name was formed lots of years before this blog you see in front of you right now. But I think I came to the point where I want to expand it and write about something else besides food. About something else I love so much. So attention attention a new category is coming to da house: t r a v e l s.
Because I want to share delicious corners of this world with you. Simple as that.
In the past I travelled quite a lot. Actually I counted the countries I’ve been in. The number is aorund 46, hopefully I counted correctly 🙂
A few photos for the taste. And now I’ll go packing my backpack – I’m heading to Bulgaria in 2 days 🙂