November 30, 2017
This recipe can be pudding or hot chocolate with a bit different texture. In any case the main thing in is – c h o c o l a t e. <3
**For 2 people; 10 minutes; Very easy **
6 dl plant based milk
1 dl water
6 teaspoons of tapioca
1 small pinch of salt
120 g dark chocolate (I used 60%)
If you want: Sweetener (read wise-as corner) and cream
- In a small pot heat milk and water. Add salt and tapioca and cook+ mix 10-15 minutes.
- Set aside and mix in the chocolate. Mix well and serve in cups.
Wise-ass corner
When you stir in the chocolate taste the pudding. If it is not sweet enough add honey or maple syrup.
Serve with coconut (or some other) cream.