My plan was so perfect for this cake. It’s going to be chocolate with amazing taste of pumpkin oil. And in the chocolate frosting there’s going to be pumpkin oil also – to add the nutty flavour and…
Well, at the end nothing of above happened 🙂 And don’t get me wrong! We ate the whole cake and it was really good. Just the flavour of pumpkin oil was hiding somewhere and we couldn’t find it no matter how hard we tried. And because the photos are so pretty and I haven’t posted about fails in the kitchen I wanted to write about this recipe. Just for you to see how sometimes my plans when I’m cooking for this blog fail. Dough doesn’t rise, noodles stick to the pan, chocolate doesn’t want to thicken etc.
So here you go 🙂 For now my blog won’t have the recipe of chocolate cake with pumpkin oil but I’ll make sure all the recipes I post are on point 🙂